Male Enhancement Forum. Read male enhancement products reviews, discussions and testimonials. Write your own reviews.

Male Enhancement Products

All ratings are strictly user generated, based on 843 user reviews.

Male Enhancement Forum

Our Male Enhancement Forum is the only site on the Internet dedicated to user-to-user discussion about male enhancement products. Read the topics below - one topic per one product - and feel free to post your own reviews. See how 843 users rated male enhancement products and add your own rating. We do not moderate messages but please - no spam! Take advantage of useful male enhancement products reviews and unconstrained conversations!

Male Enhancement Forum

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Male Enhancement Exercises Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 94
Number of postings with ratings: 87


Big swole wrote: What did you use.. because I have the same problem

Hot Forum

Male Enhancement Pills Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 107
Number of postings with ratings: 91

Latest message in Male Enhancement Pills forum:

David ken wrote: Hello viewers around the Globe, I was despondent because i had a very small penis, about 2.5 inches soft and 4 inches hard not nice enough to satisfy a woman, i have been in so many relationship, but cut off because of my situation, i have used so many product which doctors for me, but none could offer me the help i searched for. i saw some few comments on the INTERNET about male enhancement pills and I confirm they work amazing!!!

Male Enhancement Extenders Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 70
Number of postings with ratings: 64


Anonymous wrote: Extender is splendid. Just out of plain curiosity, I tried this remarkable product. I didn’t know that it would work because this seems unbelievable. The price seemed high, I wasn’t scared of any side effects. It has been 2 weeks since my first pill and my dick tightens for a long time and I am unable to keep it in my pants.

Male Enhancement Devices Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 67
Number of postings with ratings: 59

Latest message in Male Enhancement Devices forum:

Anonymous wrote: I just found the greatest male enhancement device

Male Enhancement Creams Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 60
Number of postings with ratings: 47

Latest message in Male Enhancement Creams forum:

Eric Katona wrote: Thanks to male уnhancement сreams that help me enlarged my penis from 3 inches to 7 inches. And made my sex life a paradise i had premature ejaculation and little penis and to be honest my sex life was a total mess and it was very embarrassing knowing you cannot satisfy a woman and I couldn't take it anymore

Male Enhancement Patches Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 55
Number of postings with ratings: 49

Latest message in Male Enhancement Patches forum:

Brad wrote: The patches I used worked great for a hrader stronger erection.. took about 6 weeks before they started working.

Male Enhancement Vitamins Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 57
Number of postings with ratings: 48

Latest message in Male Enhancement Vitamins forum:

mikeevan wrote: Thanks for let us know about this male enhancement vitamins. Honestly, I even didn't try for this one yet. But I am interested to try for this one.

Male Enhancement Supplements Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 58
Number of postings with ratings: 51

Anonymous wrote: I took 2 of the ExtenZe pill for first time what are side effects and should I be worry

Male Enhancement Oils Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 49
Number of postings with ratings: 42

Latest message in Male Enhancement Oils forum:

Mike wrote: Yes, this is the main idea behind male enhancement oils, they enhance your erection. They can hardly enlarge your penis or increase sperm count but they do enhance erection and staying power!

Male Enhancement Lotions Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 47
Number of postings with ratings: 41

Latest message in Male Enhancement Lotions forum:

Vita Rodriguez wrote: Few out of every odd man needs a remedy level medication answer for location Erectile Dysfunction (ED) or male weakness. A blend of a few ground-breaking characteristic herbs and enhancements, for example, those found in common male improvement pills can be an ideal arrangement as a rule for male barrenness and Erectile Dysfunction sufferers.

Male Enhancement Drugs Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 61
Number of postings with ratings: 55

Latest message in Male Enhancement Drugs forum:

Stan wrote: These Male Enhancement Drugs were absolutely useless for me. I have to set my male health right with another product

Male Enhancement Pumps Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 43
Number of postings with ratings: 38

Latest message in Male Enhancement Pumps forum:

PMP wrote: Pumps do work as a treatment for impotence, but the problem is that when you take the pump off, the vacuum is gone, so the blood tends to leave the penis very quickly, and you lose your erection.

Male Enhancement Weights Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 39
Number of postings with ratings: 35

Latest message in Male Enhancement Weights forum:

Oakes wrote: Horrible device! I almost wind up in hospital

Male Enhancement Surgery Forum

Total number of posts in this forum: 32
Number of postings with ratings: 27

Latest message in Male Enhancement Surgery forum:

Symon wrote: How does it work? Is it painful?

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We do our best to list all proven and reliable male enhancement products on our website. Although we are looking for the new products every day there are still too many products in the Internet. That's why we created a special page where you can suggest a new product for review. If you have any experience with a new brand and have not found it on our pages - share this experience!

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By clicking on this banner you can do us a favor and support our sponsors to ensure this site will be online tomorrow. Remember, we will NEVER allow any male enhancement products related banners or promotions. All information and ratings will be strictly user generated. We thank you for your support in advance and hope to see you at and our Male Enhancement Forum again and again!

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